Bully Prevention
Booth's ATA Martial Arts is giving kids the skills to deal with Bullies. Children in American Fork, UT no longer need to be victims of bullying.
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Parents, Booth's ATA Martial Arts Helps Kids Stand Up To Bullying!
No one should ever become a target or victim in life, though unfortunately for most of us, it is almost inevitable to occur in some form at some point. Booth's ATA Martial Arts takes bullying very seriously and stands up to protect youth within the community. Martial Arts students learn to stand up for themselves and others, to stand firm and proud!

The Booth's ATA Martial Arts Bully Prevention Program is Changing Kids Lives
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Parents Did You Know?
Many Kids Are Attending Booth's ATA Martial Arts in American Fork, UT So They Don’t Become A Statistic
Life Changing Areas For Children in Martial Arts
Our school focuses on developing leaders through quality martial arts classes that improve your life in these 3 key areas.
Martial arts training helps to increase focus and concentration. These traits help with better grades and better behavior.
Discipline and following instructions are a large part of martial arts training. This leads to better behavior at home.
Martial arts training helps to build leadership qualities that make for great community members.
Develop High Self-Esteem
The physical and psychological effects of bullying are often extremely harmful, far-reaching, and long-lasting. Bullying commonly begins by the 2nd grade, and occurs throughout life. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or indirect, and can range from mild teasing to spreading rumors to pushing and hitting. Bullying frequently occurs on the internet as well. Having high self-esteem gained through martial arts training helps children stand up to the negative issue associated with bullying. It is important for a child to develop a high self-esteem and strong friendships to distance themselves from situations where they could be bullied.
Building Strong Leaders
The team of instructors at Booth's ATA Martial Arts in American Fork, UT is empowering adults and children to resist and overcome the harmful phenomenon of bullying by building strong leaders in the community through Martial Arts. It gravely concerns Scott Jones when children are victimized by anyone, especially their peers. Being a victim of a bully can lead to a child avoiding school, developing life-long anxieties, plotting and performing violent acts of vengeance, and even committing suicide.
We Give You The Tools To Succeed
Here at Booth's ATA Martial Arts we equip you and your children with the tools necessary to succeed in every situation. We will teach your child to walk away (while staying calm and not running), tell the assailants to stop and leave him or her alone, and to use humor to rapidly halt a bullying situation. Making eye contact with others (especially the bully) and to talking with a strong voice are also shown to reduce the occurrences. Naturally, we also teach skills for self-defense when conflicts turn physical.
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This is a GIFT that will last a lifetime through school, college and into the work world.